Email will not be shown publicly, it is for contact between BJJ Camp Finder and the Camp Organizer.
Phone will not be shown publicly, it is for contact between BJJ Camp Finder and the Camp Organizer.
The name of the camp will be shown on the Camp Page.
City, Country, Closest Airport
If there are multiple packages available, please describe them and write the price for each one.
Please describe the refund policy, for example if someone books a spot and then decides not to attend.
Write the names of the confirmed instructors that will be teaching seminars. If you want to keep them in secret, please let us know here. If there are professors that are still not confirmed, write their names and note that they are not confirmed yet.
If there are equal number of seminars per day, just write how many. If there are different number of seminars per day, write how many seminars for each day.
Here is a sample of what we mean by agenda:
Maximum participants that you can accommodate and that can be visiting the seminars.
How many places available do you want to show on the camp page?
If someone wants to bring their partner that doesn't train BJJ, is it possible?
Please write everything else that you think we should know about the camp, that we missed in the questions.
You can upload images here, that we can use to add to your Camp Page, or you can send them to us by email, google drive, dropbox etc.

Payment information

Add your bank account information, where you will accept the payments from BJJ Camp Finder for the sold spots.
PayPal Email? Please let us know if you prefer other payment options and we will get back to you.
BJJ Camp Finder